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Fruit and grapevine disease management


Anno accademico 2009/2010

Davide Carmelo SPADARO
Insegnamento integrato
SSD dell'attività didattica
AGR/12 - patologia vegetale

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

Acquisire una conoscenza teorica e pratica sulle migliori tecniche di coltivazione, difesa e conservazione delle produzioni viticole (per la vinificazione) e frutticole, con particolare riferimento alla filiera melo, nell’area piemontese (Italia nordoccidentale).
To acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the proper cultivation, crop protection and handling of grapevine (for winemaking) and fruit crops, with particular reference to apple chain, in Piedmont (NW Italy).

Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

Fornire allo studente conoscenze relative ai sistemi frutticoli e viticoli dell’Italia nordoccidentale, con particolare attenzione alle tecniche innovative e a basso impatto ambientale di coltivazione, di difesa e di gestione del post-raccolta adottate in frutticoltura e viticoltura.
To improve the knowledge on tree cropping systems in North-West Italy, with special attention to techniques adopted in crop production and protection and in post-harvest handling of fruit and grapevine crop.




Grapevine cropping system

Grape wine production in Piedmont and Italy.

Training systems: traditional and new types.

Winter pruning; mixed pruning (traditional) and short pruning (for mechanization).

Summer pruning; traditional and new practices for Piedmont viticulture.

Soil management; permanent grass cover, mulching, and chemical weed control. 


Apple cropping system

Soil and climatic requirements.

Main cultivars and cultivar groups.

Training systems and pruning.

Management of factors affecting fruit quality.

Harvest and post-harvest handling. 




Insect and mite pests identification 

Principles on identification of fruit and grapevine insect and mite pests and their antagonists.

Classification of pests in relation to their feeding activity, and to damage they cause.


Sustainable pest management

Chemical pest control.

Biological pest control.

Integrated pest management.


Grapevine insect and mite pests

Bio-ethology, distribution, and control strategies of the main grapevine pests.

Field sampling, symptom detection. Laboratory insect and mite identification.


Apple insect and mite pests

Bio-ethology, distribution, and control strategies of the main apple pests.

Field sampling, symptom detection. Laboratory insect and mite identification.




Pathogen detection

Introduction to plant pathogens.

Fungal and oomycetes pathogens.

Plant pathogen diagnostics.


Sustainable disease management

Sustainable disease management.

Organic farming.

GMOs: transgenes and cisgenes.

Postharvest disease management.

Mycotoxin prevention and control.


Grapevine disease management


Apple disease management






Testi consigliati e bibliografia


I testi base consigliati per il corso sono:
Agrios G. (2004) Plant Pathology. Fifth Edition. Academic Press, New York, 954 pp.
Alford D.V. (2007) Pests of fruit crops: a color handbook. Academic Press, Elsevier, 461 pp.
Coombe B.G., Dry P.R. (1988) Viticulture. Vol. 1 & 2. Australian Industrial Publishers, Adelaide, Australia.
Knee M. (2002) Fruit quality and its biological basis. CRC Press. USA.
Ryugo K. (1988). Fruit culture. J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
Westwood M.N. (1993) Temperate zone Pomology, Physiology and Culture. Timber Press, Portland, OR, USA.
Winkler A.J. et al. (1975) General Viticulture. University of California Press, Davis, CA, USA.

E’ fortemente consigliato l’utilizzo del seguente materiale per approfondimenti e integrazioni:

Infine sono di seguito indicati siti internet di interesse:



The course is taught in English within the course of Fruit and grapevine cropping systems.
The evaluation will be an oral examination, eventually associated to a written report and an oral presentation on the group work.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 18/06/2010 09:04
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